Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 Free Online Surveys

Funding is an issue for many administrators. Why not use open source and free web based tools whenever possible?

Here are 10 sites for creating surveys:

Struffa: Contests, polls that can be moderated before publishing

Rubpolis: Create a poll by dragging and dropping

Flisti: Share your poll in a social network such as Facebook or MySpace

Obsurvey: Survey that works like a wiki

Survey Monkey: Comprehensive online site for creating surveys

PollDaddy: Can be integrated into mobile devices

Vorbeo: Embeddable onto your website or blog

Text the Mob: Good for large audiences can be used with mobile devices

Insightify: Great for collaboration

Yarp: Good for simple surveys. Generates unique url.

Tech and Learning magazine September 2010 issue.